Friday, March 18, 2011


So this past week I've been to the gym almost every day. I usually make it about 2, 3 times/week but this has been my schedule for the past week...

Monday-Ran 4 miles w/ hill training

Tuesday-Elliptical and bike

Wednesday-Ran 4 miles w/ double hill training


Friday-Elliptical and bike

Saturday-Running in my neighborhood


I love feeling full of energy and just on top of the world after a good workout! I'm on a roll baby! Hopefully this will continue with the same girth.

I shed blood from running for the first time the other day. Lol. I'm so proud. One day after running, I took off my shoe and found my foot looked like this...

Then I was trying to get some protein in ma belly and I had all of the stuff out in the picture below...this guy at work walked past my desk and goes "Are you pregnant???" Ha ha. It was kind of funny. Running has definitely boosted my metabolism, and I thought I ate a lot before. Geez. I'm always hungry.

Monday, March 7, 2011

4 miles what?!

4 miles is so easy by now! I love it! I am looking to up it to 5 or 6 pretty soon, but I run at lunch and that only allows enough time for 4 miles. I need to make some time on the weekends. I ran up emigration canyon on Friday with some peeps I'll be running Ragnar with. It felt great to run outside. It was a beautiful day, too! I was skiing yesterday and I always love when I'm sore the day after skiing. I think I'm weird, but I love knowing that I was out doing something I love so much and I hardly even realized I was exercising all the while! Ha ha.