Monday, March 29, 2010

You ARE What You Eat.

I love this show! It's on BBC America. First and foremost, I love their British accents. I LOVE that they have funny names for things. Lol. They call cookies bisquits, fries chips, and chips are crisps. They are just so funny to listen to. Then today, the host of the show, Gillian McKeith, was talking to this guy who smoked and she said "You have to give up the fags!!" and I couldnt help but laugh like I'm in 6th grade. It's not a nice word, but it was funny at the time, OK? Shoot me. Anyway, on every episode of this show, they put on a table everything this person eats in a single week. It's DISGUSTING! I want to do it to myself one day, it would give me a good reality check. This was one of the tables, but not really one of the shocking ones that I've seen...

Keep in mind that's probably only about half the table they're showing there. It's crazy. Look at all that coffee! And soda! Holy crap. Lay off the coffee and get some sleep! It's good to be tired sometimes, cuz then you actually go home and pass out at a decent time!

I was on their website earlier and I took the quiz "How healthy are you?" There was a question that tripped me up. It said "Do you avoid sugar and foods and drinks containing sugar?" That's when I wished there was a 'sometimes' option. Travis and I decided to swear off soda, which was a really good thing. Besides soda, I usually never drank anything but water and milk. BUT there's my sugary cereal addiction. I am constantly trying to avoid food with lots of sugar in it, but if we want to talk about how many times I actually succeed in avoiding it, that's another story. I do think I do a good job, but I could definitely do a lot better! Gillian said on the show today that if you are craving a sugary snack, you should have a sweet potato and that reduces your sugar cravings. Nice tip, thanks Gillian! (Too bad it takes about an hour to bake a sweet potato. Hmph.)

Friday, March 26, 2010

So, I get a little bored...

I have time on my hands, ok? So, I like to blog. I may be far from amazing at blogging, but I enjoy it and it keeps me out of trouble...I decided to start a blog about basically the stuff my life revolves around (besides my kick ass boyfriend, Travis, tee hee). What do most people's lives revolve around? Hello, FOOD! It sounds terrible, but let's face it, it keeps us alive. Not only that, but many of us, dare i say most of us, have an emotional relationship with food. I do! ME ME ME!
To start off, I'd like to explain a few of my feelings on food, dieting, and exercise. Firstly, I have some hypoglycemic tendencies. I get a headache when I eat candy, if I eat something even slightly sugary on an empty stomach, I feel close to passing out. I'm always surprised I don't, that's how crappy I feel. I'm ALWAYS hungry. And I mean always. For example: I have a hearty breakfast every morning of either oatmeal with a banana in it, or Cheerios with a banana in it, and by the time I get to work I am starving again. You might be thinking "It's because you eat a big breakfast." But no, I've tried everything. I've tried only eating an apple, I've tred just a half cup of cheerios, I've tried a small yogurt. But no matter what, I'm always hungry when I get to work and sometimes even really light headed. Tapeworm? I went to my doctor and they did blood tests to make sure it wasn't Diabetes or anything too serious. He told me he thinks I have Hypoglycemia and to stay away from sugar, period. He said they don't really diagnose Hypoglycemia because there is no medication or treatment they can give for it. It needs to be controlled by your diet and exercise. This is hard for me. No creamer in my coffee, no sugary cereal (which is my favorite!). He even said to stay away from some fruit, as it can be too high in sugar. I'm like, seriously?! I felt like he was asking for me to hand over one of my limbs. It's sad, but true. I've always thought that I could balance out the sugar and fatty foods that I love so much, with maintaining an active lifestyle. My doctor thinks otherwise. He said it can turn into Diabetes if I'm not careful. Weird, cuz to me, Hypoglycemia and Diabetes are the opposite, but I guess they both have to do with abnormal levels of glucose in the blood. Too little, too much. Tomatoe tamato. I refuse to get Diabetes and yet my habits haven't exactly changed in the eating department. i do try every day to do better (I'm munching on carrot sticks right now). But let's take a look at what I have in my pantry at home right now, shall we? (Besides the Cheerios).

And I swear to god I have no children.....This cereal is all for me. And I love it. Ha ha.
To make the rest of the story short, I don't believe in diets. Not one bit. I think they work while you're on them (sometimes) and then you stop, and you gain the weight back. If you are dedicated to being HEALTHIER and loosing weight, it takes an entire change in the way you live. I'm sorry America, but it's not as easy as sitting on the couch, continuing to stuff your fat face full of spicy cheetos and TV dinners, taking a magical pill, and you'll lose weight and feel better. It's just not. I know they are very convincing in those commercials, but it's just not reality.
Exercise is a hard area for me as well. I have been in the process for a couple of years now, of trying to find a type of exercise that I love doing and can be completely dedicated to. I might have found that, with Yoga. I had to take a gym class for my degree at school and am enrolled in Yoga right now. I really love it. I ventured out last week and went to a class in Salt Lake. Let me tell you what, it hurt to breathe the next day! But i loved that! The downfall, the class that I love so much is $12/class =(. I really want to try to go regularly but with that price, I dont think I'll be going every week like I would like to.
I think everything is ok in moderation. I don't believe in 'Low Fat' 'No Trans Fat' 'No Fat' or 'Organic' labels. I think if you do, you're pretty silly. The only way I'll believe something is completely organic is if I grow it myself, but even then I have my doubts.... I just want to be as healthy as i can while not becoming miserable on the way. And that is all. Hopefully this will be a fun and interesting blog for anyone who's bored =P. And hopefully it will help me to track my habits and maybe fix them. Thanks for reading!