Friday, December 16, 2011
Well well well...
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Life is good!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Excuses, excuses
I have 11 credit hours this semester, plus full time work. I'm inky used to having about 8 or 9 credits. It has been very stressful and u find myself using my lunch breaks for homework rather than running. It's just kinda what I gotta do until I get a better groove going with scheduling everything I have on my plate. Will update again soon. Bye!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Jessie, meet peanut butter. Peanut butter, meet Jessie.
Wow. Where have I been? Have I been clogging my arteries with hydrogenated oils??? That's what my co-worker told me the other day when she brought me a gift of organic peanut butter. I am not one to look at labels. I don't like to know what I'm doing to my body or stress about calories. Now I feel like I'm dying slowly but surely from clogged arteries. Yuck. YUCK. I am happy though, knowing one of the main ingredients I depend on for strong running, is now something that's actually good for me. Here is a picture of what I did the moment my friend gave me the organic peanut butter...
This organic peanut butter was quite the experience for me at first. You know the old talk about peanut butter sticking to the top of your mouth and needing a full glass of milk to get through a pb&j?? Yeah, I never got it either. The peanut butter I was used to was never like that. Now I understand. Peanut butter, in its natural form, is totally sticky. Like I-can't-answer-the-phone-and-make-sense-sticky. I love it though. After I eat it I have like a peanut chunk here and peanut skin there. It's liker I'm eating real ground up peanuts. Strange, I know. So, the lesson to be learned from this post is to throw out your Jif, or anything else that has loads and loads of artery-clogging substances and switch to something natural or at least closer to natural. These days we think it's normal to eat corn that's been sitting in a tin can for 6 months. That is not normal. And not ok. Our fresh produce at the grocery store already has enough harmful chemicals in it without being stuffed in a can for a year.
Trust me, I'm no wiz when it comes to what is healthy and what is not but I do have pretty good common sense working for me. Here are some changes I have made in the past few years, food wise...
1. Margarine. So, I am not a fan of margarine but it is MUCH easier to deal with than cold butter when you're making a grilled cheese sandwich, garlic bread, etc. Now instead of using pure margarine when I do use it, I use Brummel and Brown made with yogurt.

2. Cheese. I figure with cheese, the more convenient it is, the more processed it is. I'm talking about pre-cut slices, grated cheese, etc. I always buy a big old block of cheese and when I need grated cheese, I do what we did back in the good old days.......I GRATE IT! Imagine that!

3. Oatmeal. My oatmeal is very important to me. I have oatmeal almost every morning for breakfast. Instead of taking the cheater route with the quick oats, I always get the old-fashioned Quaker Oats. I should probably go with the steel cut oats, but at least I'm not getting the quick one-minute oats.

This is real rice...

6. Low fat. Low fat can also mean 'more chemicals' or 'more processed' or 'more un-natural.' I don't go for things just because they say low fat. I actually try to steer away from these things. They usually only have less fat in them because they have chemically altered it just so they could claim there was less fat in it. So, itt is harming your body in other ways rather than fat. For example, ice cream. I love me some ice cream. When I pick it out though, I get regular. Then I don't have two bowls in one sitting. The rule is to control your portion size. Just because you got low-fat or fat-free ice cream doesn't mean you can eat as much as you want and not gain weight from it. Confusing, I know ;)

Monday, August 8, 2011
Finals Week- yuck!!
I just found out there is a mini-tri that you can do called a novice. It is only like a mile and a half run. This is much more likely to actually happen with my school schedule. Sweetness!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Back on the band wagon....sort of
I might be a wuss but running outside is a no-go for me right now. It is just way too hot. I'm hoping it will cool down by the end of August but it seems like we are having longer winters and longer summers the past couple years, so who knows when it will start cooling down. I'm not complaining though, I have been thoroughly enjoying my time at the pool, the lake, and the golf course. I have been swimming laps at my chiro's request. I have tense muscles between my neck and shoulder and he says swimming will help loosen those muscles. This weekend I am going to the lake with my family to soak up the sun.
As far as running goals go right now, I have another mud run in September that I'm hoping I can find someone to do it with me. It was so much fun last year! Here is our team picture from the finish line last year...
I'm going to say it.......once you say something it officially makes it a challenge you take on with yourself. Here it goes........I want to do a mini triathlon. I remember being nervous to say i was thinking about Ragnar. Now I'm nervous to say I'm thinking about a mini tri. This will be especially difficult because it takes some intense training. You not only have to train in the three areas of running, swimming, and biking but you have to train the transitions from one to the other. I have heard that's the hard part. When you are biking intensely, your muscles are so focused and working so hard then all of the sudden you want them to run and use different muscles and they are sitting there going "WTF??" Then throw in the swimming. I do need a bike first but I think I can just borrow one from someone. A mini tri isn't all that long so you don't HAVE to have a bike that fits you perfectly. I might just borrow my mom's mountain bike for it. Anyways, I am busy with work and summer school right now and adding 11 credits for school in the fall so I think it will be a while until I have time to train for it. It's definitely something I have been thinking about a lot though. Ok, well wish me luck on my run today! TTYL! =D
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
I love food!
They were soooooo good! I had never made enchiladas before. I wasn't ever the biggest fan of them. But these were mmm mmm good! I got ingredients two nights ago to make Bacon Ranch Potato Salad and Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Bars. I'm so excited! I will have to post pics and let you know how they turned out. Oh, one more recipe from her site...Yesterday I tried, for my first time, The Green Monster. I love it! You can't taste the spinach, and it is so good for you!
I have been looking for a long time now for something I could have in the morning besides oatmeal or Cheerios that would give me energy and keep me full for more than an hour. I finally found something to help mix it up! I was getting so sick of my everyday breakfast. Blah. Green Monster, try it! Thanks so much for introducing me to this great blogger, Katie!
I'm always careful what I eat the morning before a run. I can always tell if I ate something I shouldn't have (candy, a donut, etc.) while I'm running. I am running today on my lunch break and I'm totally pumped about it. This morning I had a Green Monster, an apple, and just now I ate the awesome pre-run snack...
Avocado, cheese, and some Kashi crackers. One of my favorite running snacks. I always also have a banana and peanut butter about an hour and 15 minutes before my run. This is only my second run in the past three weeks. I have been slacking since Ragnar!! It's hard because my next race isn't until September (The Dirty Dash) so I feel like I can slack off on running, but I shouldn't!!! Anywho, I will try to get some Ragnar pictures up soon! I hope my post didn't make anyone too hungry! =P