And I just read this article today that says they really only work your feet and ankles...
It was an interesting article. Anyways, the 2nd thing is that I went running up Emigration Canyon today with a friend from work. It feels SO DANG GOOD to exercise at lunch. I have a lot of energy now and I just love that I took advantage of having a 1 hour break in the middle of the day. I have been bothered lately with the fact that mostly every single one of my evenings is booked and I don't have time to go running or walking. Well folks, bring your tennis shoes to work and go on your lunch break! It's perfect. Whether you have only 30 minutes or an hour, think of the difference it could make if you went every single day to go walking or running on your break! Even if you go maybe Mon. Wed. Fri. or do Tues. Thurs. you're bound to be happy with the results. You will feel better and it may help you lose those couple pounds we all sit and think about. Ask a friend from work if they would like to go with you, take the book you've been wishing you had time to read, just get out there! I know that I personally sit in the breakroom every day for lunch and the thought of all the exercise time I'm wasting, makes me want to shake myself! Ha ha. Hope this can be a helpful tip to someone out there!